Hello! To help you on this journey, I invite you to try the below exercises.
Try to make time to do one or both every day if you can but no worries if you forget.
The idea is to make time to track your sensing body and be intentionally aware of what it’s like to be you throughout the day.
If you try them and instinctively feel these exercises are not right for you or you become distressed, leave them and do something that brings you joy instead- listen to music, talk to a friend, go for a walk, etc. You can also contact me anytime between 9am-5pm.
We’ll talk about your experience during our next session together.

This exercise is to build on noticing your naturally occurring or cultivated
resources in your life and the felt sense that they bring.
Resourcing can be very specific and everyone’s own experience is valid e.g. one
person may find cats resourcing whilst the next may not.
Note down the things in your life that feel resourcing; things you do, people, places,
experiences, memories, sounds, objects etc.
As you note them down, take your time to fully experience your reaction to your
resources becoming familiar with how these resonate with you – about 30 mins
should be plenty.
In the days following this activity, notice how you may cultivate these more; e.g. if it
is a certain person’s voice, can you speak to them and pay real attention or if it is a
particular place could you call it to mind and notice what body sensations occur?
Notice any body reactions or shifts in your direct experience after cultivating. Below
is a table to note 6 but feel free to make more notes if you wish!
Example of how the resource can manifest:
● Resource: My cats
● Body Sensation: Softness in chest and face with a slight tingle and lightness
● Quality of Resource: Joy
Exercise 2
Exercise 2 〰️

You will need to be in a quiet and comfy spot where you can listen to this undisturbed for at least 10 minutes. You may also want to have a note pad and pen close by.
It might be that your experience during this exercise did not correlate to the recording and that’s ok.
Make a note of whatever came up for you or, perhaps, what was different or ‘missing’, and we can discuss during our next session.
Exercise 3
Exercise 3 〰️

This assignment helps us pay attention throughout the day so we begin to develop more presence and build a relationship to the various sensations and emotions we experience in our daily lives.
Sometimes the felt sense might be more challenging to notice at first. All of this is held in awareness with no right or wrong – the practice is simply coming home to the self and curiously learn about our ‘baseline’.
● Attempt to do this for a 5 day stretch.
● Set an alarm on your phone for random times in the day 3-5 alarms is a useful start.
● When the alarm goes off, take a moment to write down what body sensations and emotions you notice and your quality of presence. In this context, presence means the level of connection you have
to your whole self and your surroundings.
Do you feel connected to both mind, body and to your surroundings?
Or do you feel like you’re wrapped up in thought?
● Body sensations: tightness in shoulders, tummy relaxed, tingling
● Emotional body: Peace generally with a sense of waiting / expectation
●Quality of Presence: Mainly present but with a little tugging from the mind
● Notice all of this without judgment. This is about learning our baseline.
● If you sense there’s a desire or opportunity to shift your state, you can try taking a long and slow
conscious breath and bringing some awareness to your feet on the ground.
Exercise 4
Exercise 4 〰️
The 5Rs of Experiential Processing
The below gives examples for each of the Rs, take a few minutes every other day to identify how each has manifested for you in the day- no matter in how small a way.
Resonance can broadly be defined as a relationship (or interaction) between oneself and our environment/thoughts/feelings/relationships. Basically, if you are experiencing ‘something’ it is because there is a resonance occurring somewhere.
The word ‘resonance’ is defined as follows:
Richness or significance, especially in evoking an association or strong emotion.
The condition of a body or system when it is subjected to a periodic disturbance of the same frequency as the natural frequency of the body or system. At this frequency the system displays an enhanced oscillation or vibration.
A relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people. Oxford English Dictionary, Collins (2013)
Referring to the model we can see that resonance signifies that there is a relationship with something and as a result there is the opportunity for us to see ourselves more clearly.
Resistance can be seen as a ‘pushing against’, a ‘denial of’, or a ‘holding back’ from the natural flow of things. It could be seen as an ‘argument against reality/the way things are’. Referring to the “5 Rs” model we can see that resistance has the potential for release.
Release, within the therapeutic space, is a good thing because it indicates that something is moving, that resistance is being worked through. Release can manifest physically (release of tension in the body), emotionally (through tears or laughter), mentally (e.g. new insight or awareness), or spiritually (e.g. surrender and a renewed sense of connection). How the release manifests and on what level (be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual) can enlighten us to where the resistance was held.
Taking responsibility signifies empowerment. When we take full responsibility for our process, we have the potential for profound transformation to take place. Everything is a projection based on our own internal beliefs/world view. When we recognise this we realise that we are fully in the driving seat of our process, which is very empowering.
Reflecting upon our resistance is key to the transformational process – when we observe ourselves as if from outside, we can get a slightly more ‘removed’ view of oneself.
At the centre of the model is ‘human flourishing’. Human flourishing is an Aristotelian concept that basically means being the best one can be. In Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs (1956) it would be ‘self- actualisation’. By embracing all aspects of the “5 Rs” one has the keys to enlightenment, that is, illuminating all of the resistances that we put in place that consciously or unconsciously keep us from flourishing.
Coming Up!
For tickets and further info head to the Events page
Move Room Sound Bath for Deep Rest
NEXT UP: 22nd Nov 7:30-8:30PM
Instruments TBC
These events will take place on the 3rd Friday of the month* using a revolving *mix of Gong, Voice, Crystal Singing Bowls and Himalayan Singing Bowls.
Mandala Mind & Body Series
at Margate Yoga Studio, 2:30 -5:00 PM on Nov 10th & Nov 24th
with Veronica Akadi & Cherelle Sappleton
Join us for a series of four workshops in Mandala Vinyasa Yoga and Sound Healing.
The next workshop will focus on the element of Air.
Winter Solstice Virtual Sound Bath
19th Dec, 8:00-9:00 PM
Experience the enchanting Winter Solstice Sound Bath with Cherelle Sappleton, featuring gong and crystal singing bowls.
1:1 Sound Therapy (In-person & Online)
An immersive therapeutic sound programme helping politically minded creatives and soul-led humans thrive through deep rest in a time where burnout, exhaustion and misery feel inevitable.
Financial investment: from £65
Private events, festivals, exhibitions & conferences
Responding to your event’s themes or any other requirements, group sound baths can provide a wonderful contrast to busy programmes. With Cherelle’s depth of experience and creative approach, you will be in safe hands.
1:1 Sound Healing for Relaxation (In-person & Online)
A luxurious massage for your mind, helping you to reset and decompress from life’s challenges. Using a method that penetrates deeply, you’ll be transported to another dimension. (In-person: Thanet/ Ramsgate).
Prices from £45